This product includes 32 sets of paired passages! Each set has 2 passages and 3 worksheets. It is all digital and on Google Slides. There is a mixture of informational and fictional texts. Each set of passages also comes with 3 answer sheets. One answer sheet for each passage, as well as an answer sheet comparing the texts.
This digital resource can be used on any device! It is compatible with Google Classroom.
Topics of paired passages:
Set 1: All About Apples and Johnny Appleseed
Set 2: The Solar System and A Trip to Space
Set 3: Ancient Greece and Zeus
Set 4: Planes and The First Flight
Set 5: All About Bats and Into the Cave
Set 6: The Water Cycle and The Day It Rained
Set 7: The Declaration of Independence and Thomas Jefferson
Set 8: How-To Grow Pumpkins and How-To Carve a Jack-O-Lantern
Set 9: US Presidential Elections and Voting for Class President
Set 10: All About Sound and Attending the Orchestra
Set 11: Turkeys and Pardoning Turkeys
Set 12: The Statue of Liberty and A Trip to NYC
Set 13: Volcanoes and Pompeii
Set 14: Tornadoes and The Day the Storm Hit
Set 15: Titanic and All Aboard!
Set 16: Lions and Field Trip to the Zoo
Set 17: The Great Basin Desert and The Sahara Desert
Set 18: Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell
Set 19: Garrett Morgan and The Science Fair
Set 20: The Amazon and Macaws
Set 21: History of Basketball and Championship Game
Set 22: History of Ballet and Ballet Field Trip
Set 23: The First President of the United States and George Washington’s Cherry Tree: Fact or Fiction?
Set 24: All About Abraham Lincoln and Team Captains
Set 25: All About Rocks and Geologists
Set 26: Staying Healthy and Germs
Set 27: Rainbows and Isaac Newton
Set 28: All About the Moon and Galileo
Set 29: The Statue of Liberty and Freedom
Set 30: The Golden Gate Bridge and All About Bridges
Set 31: Mount Rushmore and Michelangelo: A Sculptor
Set 32: The Gateway Arch and Louisiana Purchase
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