It is time to stop using all your planning time creating lesson plans. Let me help you out! This bundle of print and play escape games will be the perfect addition to your math review. Provided in both a printable and digital format, you are sure to find exactly what you need with this product.
Each game reviews key math standards from the 3rd grade common core, while following a fun holiday theme.
- Halloween: Students will review rounding to the nearest 100 or 10. They will also review adding and subtracting within 1,000. Regrouping will be required on some questions.
- Thanksgiving: Students will review basic multiplication facts. The facts reviewed are 1-9.
- Christmas: Students will review multiplication and division facts. They will review finding the unknow factor. They will review word problems with multiplication or division.
- Winter: Students will review solving two-step word problems using the four operations. Students will multiply, divide, add and subtract.
- Valentine’s Day: Students will review comparing fractions, fractions on a number line, matching fraction pictures to their number fractions, and more!
- St. Patrick’s Day: Students will review telling and writing time, as well estimating liquid volumes and masses.
- Easter: Students will review area and measurement from the 3rd grade Common Core math standards.
BONUS Back to School Game: This is a bonus game included in your purchase! Play this fun getting to know you game with your students during the first week of school.
Escape rooms are a great way to get students working together, solving problems, practicing skills, and having fun. These breakout games lead students through different puzzles to help them review key standards from the Common Core. This game is most engaging when played in groups, however, it can be played individually as well. The set up for the printable version is quick and takes just a few moments.
Supplies your students will need to play the printable game:
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Glue or glue stick
- Markers or crayons
Supplies the teacher will need to put the printable version together:
- File folders (4 per group)
- paper
Digital Version
Technology Requirements:
- A Google Drive account
- If sharing with students, a Drive account that is linked to student Google accounts
- Can be shared/delivered on Google Classroom
This escape room can be used with iPads, chrome books, laptops, and desktops as long as your students have access to Google Drive or Classroom on a device. The escape room is on Google Slides, with some games have links to Google Sheets or Wheel of Names.
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