3rd Grade Math Curse Book Companion and Word Problem Activities


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Spice up your third-grade math lessons with this delightful 3rd grade Math Curse book companion, specially designed to go hand-in-hand with your own copy of “Math Curse” by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. This companion is full of fun and educational activities, perfect for third graders. It’s important to remember that it doesn’t include the book itself, any parts of the book, pictures, or links to the book. It’s created to make math learning more enjoyable for your class.

Here’s what’s included in this companion:

Engaging Lesson Questions: Find a list of simple, kid-friendly questions to ask while reading “Math Curse.” These questions help make the story interactive and show students how math is everywhere in everyday life.

Third-Grade Math Worksheets: There are four enjoyable worksheets that cover essential third-grade math skills, like basic addition, subtraction, and an introduction to fractions. These worksheets make practicing math fun and help strengthen your students’ abilities.

Create Your Own Math Brochure: This activity lets students design brochures about math problems. It’s a creative way to solve math puzzles and see how math is used in the world around them.

Build a Mini Catapult for STEM Learning: A super fun project where students get to build a mini catapult. This teaches them about simple physics and math in a hands-on and exciting way.

Math and Art Collage Activity: Students can use art to explore math concepts. They’ll make a collage that combines math with creativity, showing them that math isn’t just about numbers but can be artistic and fun too.

This math book companion is perfect for third graders, making math more than just numbers and equations. It’s about bringing math to life and making it a fun part of the school day. It’s great for teachers who want to make their math lessons more engaging and enjoyable for their students! Your students will have a blast with this 3rd Grade Math Curse Book Companion.


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